“For if this is what is done to green wood, what will be done when the wood is dry?’ Luke 23:31
The Lord compared Himself to green wood. Green wood also stands for those who follow Him, His Divine Life flows in them. Dry wood stands for those who separate themselves from God, the source of Divine Life, by a life in sin. Green wood could also stand for bodily sufferings in this world, and dry wood can stand for sufferings in the world to come. If the Lord and His followers suffer in this world, we can imagine how terrible will be the sufferings for those who refuse to repent of their sins! During this season of Lent, let us take these words which our Lord spoke to the women of Jerusalem while on His way to Calvary very seriously indeed - let us truly repent of all our sins, may we suffer as green wood and not as the wood that is dry.“This was to fulfill what was spoken by the prophet Isaiah: He Himself bore our sicknesses away and carried our diseases.” Matthew 8:17
Every human being came into this world to live; but Jesus came to die. We long to be free, healthy, rich and powerful, but He but He was freely willing, out of love for you and for me, to be a slave, sick, poor and weak. Jesus Christ is truly the only Healer for the whole of humanity, the Divine Doctor to Whom all those afflicted by sin and sickness must go if they wish to be healed. The medicine He offers is all powerful - it is His Flesh that He offers for the life of the world.