“The first thing Andrew did was to find his brother and say to him, 'We have found the Messiah' - which means the Christ - and he took Simon to Jesus." John 1:41-42
(Grace and Peace!) Saint Andrew was one of the first disciples of Jesus. We can be sure that Andrew would never have guessed that the person he was bringing to Jesus would become our first Pope. Through the example of Saint Andrew, we should learn how to bring our family and friends to Jesus. May we never disregard any of our acquaintances and try to bring them to Jesus through our silent prayers and our good example.“So by our baptism into His death we were buried with Him, so that as Christ was raised from the dead by the Father’s glorious power, we too should begin living a new life.” Romans 6:4
“But the souls of the upright are in the hands of God, and no torment can touch them.” Wisdom 3:1
(Grace and Peace) “But the souls of the upright are in the hands of God, and no torment can touch them.” Ws 3:1 Torments are of two kinds - one is the brief torment of the body, and the other is the eternal torment of the soul. The moment a soul receives Christ, it is clothed in uprightness since all stain of sin is washed away by His Blood. From that moment, the soul looks forward exultantly in the hope of sharing God's glory. While opportunity presents itself, let us do all we can to win the prize of God's Heavenly call in Christ Jesus.“My mouth shall always praise the Lord, let every creature bless His Holy Name for ever and ever.” Psalm 145:21
(Grace and Peace) Anyone who has truly experienced God cannot but help declaring His praises with their heart and lips. Let us ask God with all our hearts to grant us a true and deep experience of His goodness. Let us also prepare ourselves to experience Him. God grants His divine touch only to those who earnestly seek Him with all their hearts.“An idler is like a stone covered in filth, everyone whistles at his disgrace.” Sirach 22:1-2
(Grace and Peace) Spiritual idleness is a greater evil than physical idleness. Being physically idle brings material poverty, being spiritually idle brings about spiritual poverty, or lack of grace. Attaining Divine Love is the only means to cast out an idle spirit. Looking at the Cross, let us make a fresh resolution never to idle away the great gift of time, but to make it fruitful in works abounding in love!“And may He so confirm your hearts in holiness that you may be blameless in the sight of our God and Father when our Lord Jesus comes with all His holy ones.” 1 Thessalonians 3:13
(Grace and Peace) Holiness of heart helps us to walk in the ways of God, turning neither to right or left, keeping our foot clear from evil. The secret of holiness is Divine Love. Divine Love makes us blameless and irreproachable in God's sight, and we become good friends of God and His saints.“Make music for the Lord, all you who are faithful to Him, praise His unforgettable holiness.” Psalm 30:4
(Grace and Peace) Our soul can be compared to a powerful stringed instrument, whose sound echoes throughout the very universe. The Scripture commands us to pluck the strings within our soul skilfully with love. The moment we lose our love, our strings immediately go out of tune. Our being willing to love and forgive brings back to us the Love of God like a powerful rain. Let us pray, “Come, Creator Spirit! With your help we will sing the joyful and eternal song of the redeemed, praising God’s unforgettable love and holiness.““But You delight in sincerity of heart, and in secret You teach me wisdom.” Psalm 51:6
(Grace and Peace) The saints teach us that two kinds of knowledge are necessary for persevering in God's grace - the one is knowledge of God, and the other, the knowledge of oneself. The virtue mentioned in today's Scripture is concerned with knowledge of ourselves. The knowledge of our littleness, weakness and sinful nature impart sincerity of heart towards God. Without this knowledge, we can become vain, blind, short-sighted and puffed up in thinking.“Pilate said, 'So, then you are a king?' Jesus answered, 'It is you who say that I am a king. I was born for this, I came into the world for this, to bear witness to the truth; and all who are on the side of truth listen to my voice.” John 18:37
(Grace and Peace) Pilate never suspected that it was the King of the Universe Who stood before Him, in a purple robe and crowned with thorns. He could not grasp the words of Jesus which testified of His Eternal Kingship. This most gentle King loved His subjects so much that He could not bear to see even a single one perish for lack of knowledge. Without hesitation, He left His Kingdom for their sake and came to testify to the Truth to them.