“The greater you are, the more humbly you should behave, and then you will find favour with the Lord.” Sirach 3:18
Humility is not an easy virtue. Our natural tendency is to grow in pride as we grow in greatness. But the Lord gives us the measure to become truly great: the more we are exalted, the more humble we should become. This requires us to grow more in the knowledge of God’s mercy towards us and in the knowledge of our nothingness. Let us work hard to grow in humility.“Lord, you yourself are my lamp, my God lights up my darkness.” Psalms 18:28. For the Psalmist, the Lord was his lamp, shining forth with all power and brightness. The Divine brightness scattered the darkness of the intellect, and with holy and wise counsels and teachings, soon led both the Psalmist and the large congregation into holiness and truth. In our turn, let us too make the Lord our lamp, and accord His Word the highest level of recognition in our lives.
“Do not lose your fearlessness now, then, since the reward is so great.” Hebrews 10:35
Fearlessness characterises a genuine disciple, who courageously follows the Crucified Christ, mostly all alone, being deserted by family and friends. But he walks the royal road of the Cross like a prince behind his King, and his joy and peace do not falter. But as struggles press on, it could happen that his resolve become weary. The Apostle encourages us, as true disciples of Christ, never to lose our fearlessness, reminding us that if we succeed in resolutely overcoming trials, persecutions and slander with the help of our faith, the reward which is kept for us in Heaven is something very great indeed. How happy we are if we are deserted by all, and yet fearlessly able to follow the Crucified Christ!“When wisdom comes into your heart and knowledge fills your soul with delight, then prudence will be there to watch over you, and understanding will be your guardian.” (Proverbs 2:10-11)
There are many gifts which God bestows on those who win His favour. The first is the wisdom from above, which proceeds from fear of the Lord. The second is holy knowledge which is bestowed on those with wisdom and fills us with heavenly delights. Those with wisdom and knowledge further receive prudence, which keeps a strict watch over every external and internal movement proceeding from human thought, intellect or will - nothing escapes the prudent. Finally, understanding crowns those with wisdom, knowledge and prudence and guards the soul, ensuring all it’s precious treasures and jewels of wisdom and knowledge are always kept secure.“Such a one is like a tree planted near streams; it bears fruit in season and its leaves never wither, and every project succeeds.” Psalm 1:3
The Word of God is a running stream, bringing the graces and blessings of God in whatever land it flows. The tree planted by the side of this river of blessings is one who meditates daily on the Word and makes it his delight. Such a person will bear the fruit of the Spirit in due time. His leaves of faith, through which he draws in the abundance of God’s grace never wither, and the blessing of God is upon His every undertaking.