“You see, there is merit if, in awareness of God, you put up with the pains of undeserved punishment;” 1 Peter 2:19
Today God teaches us how we can receive graces from Him. It is by putting up with undeserved punishments, thinking about God. We all endure suffering - it can be, for example, sufferings we endure from an indifferent spouse, disobedient children, an insensitive parent, a difficult colleague, an ungrateful friend or discrimination at our work-place. Now the good news is that all these sufferings can become opportunities for grace. The next time such sufferings come our way, let us try to accept them out of reverence for the Lord Jesus, we can be sure we will experience God’s blessings without delay.“Each one should give as much as he has decided on his own initiative, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7
God has given us everything we have. Some people keep everything they have only for themselves refusing to share even a little with others; still others may offer various offerings from their their wealth or their possessions back to God - very often such offerings are done accompanied by doubt or reluctance. The saints, on the other hand, give us an example in giving back everything they have to God, including their freedom and their entire lives - they leave God free to act as He pleases in their lives, without any complaints. Let us imitate them by being joyful in our offerings, because God loves those who offer their gifts to him with a smile that comes from deep within their generous hearts.“Her husband Joseph, being an upright man and wanting to spare her disgrace, decided to divorce her informally.” Matthew 1:19
Saint Joseph is called an upright man in the Bible - but his uprightness far surpassed the uprightness of the Law of Moses. Saint Joseph had the uprightness, the generosity and true love to take the decision to silently take leave of Mary rather than to expose her to public disgrace. God who notes and rewards every deed done in secret and in silence, was swift to intervene and give him rewards beyond compare - to be foster-father of the Son of God, and to be the chaste husband and protector of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God.“He then said, ‘Daniel, do not be afraid: from that first day when, the better to understand, you resolved to mortify yourself before God, your words have been heard; and your words are the reason why I have come.” Daniel 10:12
In today’s Word of God, we have an example of a person who was very pleasing to God, the prophet Daniel. Daniel had several qualities which all of us can imitate - he took the responsibility for the sin of his people, he confessed them in prayer, and he even fasted and tried to atone for these sins before God. God was so pleased with him that He sent an angel to answer Daniel’s prayers. Coming to our daily lives, let us also confess, let us mortify ourselves, let us fast - God’s mercy and forgiveness will surprise us!““This is my Son, the Beloved; He enjoys my favour. Listen to Him.” Matthew 17:5
While Jesus was rapt in prayer on Mt. Tabor, He was transfigured before his disciples. For some brief moments, His disciples witnessed His glory as Only Son of the Father, full of grace and truth. This experience of the glory of Jesus and hearing the Father’s voice far surpassed anything they ever saw or heard, so that they could later say with confidence, “Jesus was indeed the Son of God, the One Who was to come into the world.”