“You are my friends, if you do what I command you.” John 15:14
Grace and Peace! In the Old Testament, only one person was given the privilege of being called ‘friend of God’ - that person was Moses. In the New Testament, Jesus gives each one of us the privilege to become His friends. Now, let us reflect on the friends we may have on earth. If a friend asked us to do something for them, we would surely try our best to do it for them because we sincerely love and care for them. So then, Jesus was not being demanding when He said ‘You are my friends, if you do what I command you’ - in fact, He was simply stating the natural law of friendship. If we love Him, we will be glad to do whatever He asks us, we will be glad to obey His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome - His commandment is Love! You cannot imagine what great treasures of Divine Grace our Lord bestows on His friends! Let us be true friends of Jesus and love as He loves! Praise God!“Unload all your burden on to him, since he is concerned about you.” 1 Peter 5:7
Grace and Peace! All of us have burdens, all of us carry our share of anxieties, worries, tensions and fears. But here is a gentle God Who invites us, “Come to Me, and I will give you rest.” Listening to this gentle and kind invitation, encouraged by the words of an Apostle who was close to Him, who knew His tenderness, let us lay down all our fears at the feet of Christ, Who will allay them and grant us rest. Praise God!“Whereas the wisdom that comes down from above is essentially something pure; it is also peaceable, kindly and considerate; it is full of mercy and shows itself by doing good; nor is there any trace of partiality or hypocrisy in it.” James 3:17
Grace and Peace! Saint James outlines for us eight characteristics of the 'wisdom from above'. Essentially, it is something pure. God offers this wisdom through zealous, devout and humble meditation of the Scriptures on all who ask Him with faith. Praise God!“He also said, 'This is what the kingdom of God is like. A man scatters seed on the land.’” Mark 4:26
Grace and Peace! The Kingdom of God grows mysteriously within us once we accept the seed of the Kingdom, which is the Word of God. Night and day, whether we are sleeping, up or about, the Kingdom continues to grow, and in the course of time the crop appears, ready for harvest. All that is asked of us is to accept the Word, hold it fast in a good and obedient heart, and bear fruit with perseverance. Praise God!“The Lord has appeared to me from afar; I have loved you with an everlasting love and so I still maintain My faithful love for you.” Jeremiah 31:3
Grace and Peace! God does not love us as we love Him. He tells us that He loves us with an everlasting love. What a comforting message! What hope this message gives us in times of sin, darkness, trouble and despair! This means we can always turn to God no matter how far away we are. Therefore, let us turn to our loving Father in Heaven with confidence, knowing that He will never abandon us. Praise God!“As for you, my dear son, take strength from the grace which is in Christ Jesus.” 2 Timothy 2:1
Grace and Peace! Like Timothy and Titus, the faithful spiritual children of Saint Paul, let us too take strength from the gift of God's grace which He freely lavishes upon us everyday. This gracefilled strength knows neither weariness nor defeat, and we receive this grace through our faith in Christ Jesus our Lord, who is the same yesterday, today and forever. Praise God!“The Lord replied, 'Go, for this man is my chosen instrument to bring my name before gentiles and kings and before the people of Israel;I myself will show him how much he must suffer for my name.” Acts 9:15-16
Grace and Peace! The Apostle Paul became the ‘Chosen Instrument’ in the hands of Jesus to witness to His Name before an incredulous world. Drawing strength from his own experience of Christ’s love, mercy and grace, this ‘persecutor turned apostle’ faithfully completed the mission that the Lord entrusted to him. Saint Paul’s letters are a constant source of wisdom in guiding believers of every age to a mature faith in Jesus Christ. Praise God!“With my lips I have repeated all the judgements You have given.” Psalm 119:13
Grace and Peace! Repeating the Word of God with our lips has tremendous power, especially if what we utter with our lips is accompanied with meditation in our hearts. Repeating the Scriptures to ourselves sanctifies our tongues and our hearts. Therefore let us daily set apart time to repeat the Scriptures to ourselves, that we may be sanctified by the Word of God. Praise God!“Whoever acquires sense wins profit from it, whoever treasures understanding finds happiness.” Proverbs 19:8
Grace and Peace If we invest our time wisely in acquiring wisdom, we only stand to gain from our investment. On the other hand, if we do not value wisdom nor approach the wise to gain understanding, we will be the losers. Therefore, at every opportunity that presents itself, let us do our best to gain understanding and sense. Praise God!“And the Lord of hosts shall be exalted in judgment, and the holy God shall be sanctified in justice.” Isaiah 5:16
Grace and Peace! The Lord wins respect from His creatures very differently from how human beings win respect for themselves. God wins respect by His merciful judgements, and by overlooking fault, crime and sin. Yet He lets nothing go unchecked, correcting human beings gradually so that they may repent. God’s holiness lies in being unprovoked by human wickedness, displaying great patience with even the most wicked sinners. Praise God!