"Blessed those who find their strength in you, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage.’’Psalms 84:5
God is power and nothing is impossible for Him. The Bible witnesses that the Lord does not grow tired or weary - instead He gives strength to the powerless. How happy we will be if we have found the source of strength - Who is none other than Christ Crucified! With our hearts set on pilgrimage, in other words, a journey to the Holy City of Jerusalem which is above, let us travel in the joyful company of the saints, singing praises to the Lord"Jesus answered them: I am the bread of life. No one who comes to me will ever hunger; no one who believes in me will ever thirst.’’John 6:35
The hunger of our body can be satisfied with bread. But the hunger of our soul for love, for the infinite, for true beauty and true life is not easily satisfied. To satisfy this hunger, Jesus gives Himself as the Bread of Life to humanity, partaking of which the spiritual hunger of man is miraculously satisfied. The nourishment the soul draws from this bread is entirely based on faith. The believing soul experiences constant nourishment from this Living Bread, driving out it’s hunger and thirst forever."Jesus said to him, ‘Once the hand is laid on the plough, no one who looks back is fit for the Kingdom of God.’" Luke 9:62
These words of our Lord bring to mind two incidents - the first is the burning of the plough which was a sign of his former way of life, by the prophet Elisha when he answered God’s call. The second is the turning back of Lot’s wife to look at the remains of the sinful city they were fleeing from despite the Lord’s command to the contrary. Elisha was rewarded for his resolution by a double share of the Spirit, but Lot’s wife became a pillar of salt for her lack of faith"Have I been with you all this time, Philip, and you still do not know me? 'Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father, so how can you say, "Show us the Father"? John 14:9
Philip, who had been with Jesus for three years was constantly hearing about ‘God the Father’. He was wondering where the Father was and longed to catch a glimpse of Him. But Jesus reveals to Philip and also to all of us who have not yet penetrated the mystery of His Divine Person the great truth that in Himself dwells the Divinity in all it’s fulness - in Him alone is the invisible Creator made visible to all humanity.“My hand will always be with him, my arm will make him strong.” Psalm 89:21
In our daily life, there is always a mysterious hand carrying us along. Looking back at our past trials and struggles, we will realize that the Lord mysteriously helps us through the people we meet or the encouraging words we hear. The mighty hand of God always guides and protects those who trust in Him. Now looking ahead at the many obstacles that seem to be in our path, let us not be discouraged, but put our trust in the Lord.“Whoever acts without mercy will be judged without mercy but mercy can afford to laugh at judgement.” James 2:13
God's mercy towards us is without measure - it is as high as the heavens themselves. He tells us that even if our sins are as deep as scarlet or crimson, still he will make them as wool and snow. Removing the only obstacle which can ever prevent us from receiving His mercy - our unwillingness to show mercy to others - let us turn to Jesus our Lord on this Blessed Day with boundless trust and confidence to hear from His divine lips those beautiful words of absolution, "My child, your sins are forgiven."What is sown is a natural body, and what is raised is a spiritual body.” 1 Corinthians 15:43
St. Paul compares the resurrection of the dead to the springing up of vegetation in a field. The natural body is the seed that is sown in the field. The fruit that comes out of it is completely different in nature, and in this case, the fruit is the spiritual body. As all of us have natural bodies, we will have spiritual bodies too. Knowing this fact, let us try our best to preserve our bodies in holiness, knowing that we carry within us great and mysterious promises of a life soon to come!“It is the same too with the resurrection of the dead: what is sown is perishable, but what is raised is imperishable” 1Corinthians 15:42
The resurrection of the dead is a great mystery. We repeat our faith in this mystery every Sunday when we say, “I believe in the resurrection of the dead”. There are two kinds of bodies: the first type is perishable, which we receive from our human parents, and the second is imperishable, which we will receive from the Spirit of God on the last day. But here is the mystery: only those who sow in the Spirit while on earth can reap the reward of the Spirit, which is the resurrection to an imperishable life.“Since you have been raised up to be with Christ, you must look for the things that are above, where Christ is, sitting at God's right hand.” Colossians 3:1
Today’s verse opens for the vistas of our souls a marvellous sight! We see the Son of God Jesus Christ sitting at the Father’s right hand with immense beauty, power and glory. In comparison to His splendour, the glory of earthly kings seem like fleeting beams of pale light. Fixing our gaze on the brightness of our Heavenly King, let us resolutely refuse every transitory pleasure and passing glory the Evil One offers to our minds in order to divert our gaze from this glorious sight.