Fix your gaze on the Lord and your face will grow bright, you will never hang your head in shame. (Psalms 34:5)
Spending an hour before the Blessed Sacrament, keeping company with Jesus in prayer, obtains for us the strength to resist every temptation (1Corinthians 10:13)
Just as with Moses in front of the burning bush, God empowers us to do His Will while we adore Him in front of the Blessed Sacrament, which is His living presence in our midst. (Exodus 3:1-6)
It is during adoration in front of the Blessed Sacrament, that we receive many graces – healing for the wounds in our soul (Malachi 3:20), Divine Light (Psalms 34:5), and awareness of sin (Psalms 90:8). His presence inflames our hearts (Luke 24:30-32), and once again we are strengthened with the light of His presence. (2Corinthians 3:14-18)